Block Puzzle Classic

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Solving puzzles is known to be good four our neurons that always look for a way to cut corners and just chill lazily rather than keep working and forming new connections 24/7. And games like Block Puzzle Classic will stir them up all right! Just give it a shot and you won’t be able to put it aside!

These blocks are tricky, but you’re smarter!

If you ever played Tetris (which you most surely have), you already have a pretty good idea about this game. You’ll have to deal with blocks of all shapes and sizes flying at you faster than you can say “block party”. The rules are simple – you’ve got a grid, and you need to fill it up with blocks. But it gets more difficult than just that because the blocks come in a huge variety of shapes, and you need to find a way to place them all together without leaving any gaps. And then there is this sense of urgency that will leave you on the edge of your seat – time is of the essence, everything should be done right here, right now! Do you think you can handle it? Then let’s go!

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